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Lake Street El

Chicago’s 50 Schools: A new approach in Englewood

Four years ago, Chicago tried an alternative to just closing under-enrolled schools. Is this a path forward as the city’s enrollment continues to drop? Host: Mary Dixon; Reporter: Sarah Karp

What can be done after CPS school closings, 10 years later

Mayor Mayor Brandon Johnson says he opposes closing schools and our investigation shows they didn’t help students or communities. We explore the alternatives. Host: Mary Dixon; Reporter: Sarah Karp

Read an Excerpt from “Darfur Allegory” by Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf

With the current war in Sudan unleashing even more violence and suffering in the West Darfur region, it’s more important than ever to bring attention to this area of the globe. Here, we offer a brief excerpt from the postscript of Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf’s 2021 book about the complex history

A Pride Month 2023 Reading List

In recognition of Pride month, we offer below a reading list of recent books from Chicago and our client publishers that help illuminate LGBTQIA2S+ lives. From inspirational memoirs to gripping histories, original poetry collections, studies of queer representation in media, and crucial reads on the challenges faced by the trans

Temporary migrant shelters span Chicago neighborhoods

Asylum-seekers dwell in 10 temporary shelters operated by the city of Chicago. Half the shelters are in higher-income neighborhoods. Host: Mary Dixon; Reporter: Indira Khera

Read an Excerpt from “The Great American Transit Disaster” by Nicholas Dagen Bloom

Many a scholar and policy analyst has lamented American dependence on cars and the corresponding lack of federal investment in public transportation throughout the latter decades of the twentieth century. But as Nicholas Dagen Bloom shows in The Great American Transit Disaster, our transit networks are so bad for a very

My daughter was killed by bullets meant for me

Jontae Adams just wanted to be a good dad and take his daughter to McDonald’s. He continues to struggle with the guilt of putting her at risk. Host: Melba Lara; Reporter: Patrick Smith